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Editorial Guidelines for Submissions to the Bay Area Tango Association Website:


To ensure submissions get read and up in a timely manner, we ask that our readers follow a few guidelines for submitting to our content portion of the Bay Area Tango Association's web service for its members and the San Francisco Community. After reading the General Guidelines, please scroll down and find exactly what category your work falls under to make sure your submission is formatted correctly and goes to the right editor. IF GUIDELINES ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY MET - YOUR WORK WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR PUBLICATION, and you may not get a reply.


All submissions should be spell-checked and given an eye to grammar before submitting. Facts should also be checked prior, as BA TANGO is not responsible for any inaccuracies the author submits. All work is submitted with the understanding that there is no payment offered and it is considered a donation to help our community grow and expand. The Author retains sole copyrights to the work. We ask for One Time Rights For Internet Publication only, which means you have the right as the Author, should your work be accepted, to sell it elsewhere after publication in BA TANGO's website, either electronically or in print. We will keep your work online until you ask us to take it down.

DO NOT SEND YOUR SUBMISSIONS IN HTML or any fancy text. DO NOT SEND PHOTOS IN TIFF FORMAT. You may only submit work that *you* have written. Please do not submit works by other authors, even if it's old enough to be public domain. BATANGO does not tolerate plagiarism. All works must be submitted in English. Poetry may be submitted with a Spanish translation, however, BATANGO is not responsible for the accuracy of that translation.

Please allow up to two months for consideration of your work before sending a query on your submission. We get a lot of requests, and our editors work hard to ensure everyone is responded to. Authors will be given a byline and copyright retention line. Please include a 2 to 3 sentence bio on who you are to be placed at the end of the published work. Ie. Deby Novitz lives and dances in San Francisco. She is the President of the Bay Area Tango Association.

REVIEWS - CD's, Performances, Workshops

All submissions for reviews of CD's, Performances, Workshops, or other classes and media should go to Luda. Reviews must be in paragraph form, brief (no more than 1-2 typed, single-spaced pages), and include ACCURATE information on persons names, publication of media (CD record company and year of publication, as well as composers and artist attributes for specific songs if mentioned in the review). If you are reviewing a workshop or class, the review must be constructive critique. Please submit in the body of an email in text format, or as an MS Word or Rich Text attachment.


On the Craft, On other Cities, On Community, On history, on Music POETRY, SHORT FICTION, & SERIAL COLUMNS

Articles may be considered at any length up to 1500 words. Poetry is accepted up to one page single spaced, or two pages double spaced. No epics, please. If you write your poetry in verse or form - please be sure your form is correct. Free verse is welcome, too. Short fiction must be written in 3rd person, and may be sent up to 3,000 words. Serial Columns must be queried in idea proposal form FIRST. No diaries will be accepted for publication. Please accompany your submission with a cover letter, and a short 3 sentence bio you would like to appear with your byline. Submissions are accepted in text via the body of an email, or attached as an MS Word or Rich Text Format document. Your article, poetry, fiction, or column may be on any angle you choose - just so long as it deals with Tango.


Occasionally instructors have mpegs, wavs, or other media (Quicktime Movies, etc...) of their classes or performances. We are building a library of these, if you would like to submit them. You CANNOT submit as a student of someone else's group class without written permission of the teacher. You may submit snippets of private classes, only with permission as well. Teachers must obtain permission from their students if they are featured in any segment of the video. Photos and Art may be sent in JPEG or GIF format - DO NOT SEND TIFFS! These files are too large and meant for print media only. Photos can only be submitted by the model or the photographer with appropriate bylines attributed. Art must have a byline for the artist. Links should be sent in the body of the email. These submissions may be sent to the Webmaster.


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