Tango in the Square
September 27, 2006 @ 6 pm
Union Square Park, San Francisco
Celebrate life ... Dance tango
There will be free introductory lessons in tango. And performances...
Scheduled to appear:
LiberTango Dancers
Mila Salazar & Larry Biggs
Luz Castiņeiras & Alex Allende
Jorge Allende
DJ Emilio Flores
And some suprises...
Boombox milonga to follow in the stage area during classes and later.
Dancing until our feet or batteries wear out.
It is your chance to dance outside!!!
Bring your non-tango friends, its free.
This is a part of San Francisco Parks & Trust's "Jewels in the Square" program
for Union Square Park.
Jewels in the Square series brought to you by San Francisco Parks Trust and MJM Management Group.